Legal News


Thinking of a Divorce: What Married Couples Must Do First

Open, honest communication is crucial when contemplating divorce, fostering understanding, and resolving conflicts. Seeking professional help, like therapists or counselors, can mediate marital issues and guide decision-making. Striving for an amicable divorce can minimize conflict, save resources, and ensure a peaceful conclusion to the marriage. Employing a family law attorney aids in navigating legal intricacies,

Thinking of a Divorce: What Married Couples Must Do First


Understanding the Legal Intricacies of Inheritance Tax in Wills

Inheritance tax, paid by beneficiaries, is charged on assets transferred from a deceased person. The tax rate varies globally, with exemptions potentially reducing the liability. Differences exist between inheritance tax and estate tax regarding who incurs them. Strategies like gifting, trusts, exemptions, and life insurance can minimize inheritance tax. Have you ever wondered what happens

Understanding the Legal Intricacies of Inheritance Tax in Wills

A prenuptial agreement document

Legal Actions To Take When Considering Getting a Prenup Before Marriage

A prenuptial agreement outlines asset division in case of divorce, offering financial security, but it may cause discomfort and isn’t guaranteed legally binding. The prenup should ideally be signed several months before the wedding to prevent allegations of coercion or duress and enhance its enforceability. The agreement should fully disclose all assets, liabilities, income, and

Legal Actions To Take When Considering Getting a Prenup Before Marriage

elderly with paper

Legal Actions To Protect Seniors From Fraud and Undue Influence

Legal tools such as a living will or advance healthcare directive allow seniors to express their healthcare preferences beforehand, ensuring their wishes are respected. A revocable living trust allows seniors to control their assets, specify their distribution, and plan for potential incapacitation. Protective orders can safeguard seniors from abuse or harassment, and suspected fraud should

Legal Actions To Protect Seniors From Fraud and Undue Influence

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Dealing With Violence: Legal Steps You Can Take

Understanding violence in its forms—verbal, physical, psychological, and sexual—is critical to recognizing and addressing it legally. After experiencing violence, promptly calling the police and seeking medical attention are imperative steps. Consulting an attorney specializing in your specific case can guide you through seeking justice and compensation. Filing a restraining order and attending all court hearings

Dealing With Violence: Legal Steps You Can Take

piggy bank shielded by a hand

Navigating Financial Strains in Relationships: An In-depth Guide

Money management differences between partners can cause conflict, affecting the relationship and financial health. Reasons for financial strain might include an entitlement mentality, different financial habits, and a lack of responsibility. Poor communication and lack of financial planning can further contribute to monetary issues within the relationship. Potential solutions include divorce, financial counseling, or even

Navigating Financial Strains in Relationships: An In-depth Guide

A last will and testament document with pen and eyeglasses

Legal Strategies To Do When Facing a Will Challenge

Building a solid case is crucial when contesting a will, which involves understanding the dispute’s basis, gathering relevant evidence, and securing valuable witness testimonies. Filing a well-structured response to a challenge is essential to prevent a default judgment and ensure your side of the argument is heard. Preparing for trial involves gathering all necessary evidence,

Legal Strategies To Do When Facing a Will Challenge

A sad young girl hugging a teddy bear on the stairs

How to Help Your Child Neglected by Your Ex-spouse

Communication with an ex-spouse is vital to address child neglect, focusing on specific issues, not personal attacks. Documenting neglect provides evidence for court proceedings, if necessary, including photographs, journal entries, and text messages. A family lawyer’s advice can be crucial in understanding parental rights, navigating the legal system, and mediating issues peacefully. In severe cases

How to Help Your Child Neglected by Your Ex-spouse

construction site

5 Things You Need to Know About Employment Laws in Construction

The construction industry employs millions of people and is worth billions of dollars in the US. Employment laws, such as OSHA, FLSA, ADA, NLRA, and FMLA, protect workers in the construction industry. Common injuries experienced in the construction industry include brain injuries, broken bones, and cuts and bruises. Employers must ensure safety regulations are followed to prevent serious injuries or

5 Things You Need to Know About Employment Laws in Construction

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